Welcome to

Scottish Massage Schools


Scotland's leading provider of Complementary Therapies training


We hope you find the website informative and that it provides you with all the details you require to help you make the decision to  train with Scottish Massage Schools. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Scottish Massage Schools began running massage courses in 1992 and is one of the leading, most successful and experienced trainers of therapists in Scotland, with 5 Schools across the country (Ellon, Inverness, Perth, Edinburgh & St Boswells in the Scottish Borders) and others in the pipeline.


We now offer 10 diploma courses; from relaxing Swedish Massage, all the way up to Manipulative Therapy.


Since 1992, we have been one of the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation's (SMTO) affiliated schools.


In February 2019, we became an SQA Approved Centre. We also received accreditation for 2 Higher National Units that sit within our Swedish Massage course. These are: Human Anatomy & Physiology (SCQF level 7) and Body Massage (SCQF level 6). We are currently working towards accreditating both our Remedial & Sports Massage (SCQF level 8) and Advanced Remedial courses.